Meeting David was one of the best things that has come off Craigslist! This road angel helped me take my Frankenstein 1985 Honda Rebel and transformed it into an awesome little cruiser. We spent 3 long days tearing apart the parts that hadn't been maintained since conception of the bike, and adding new and updated components. His expertise, know-how, and wide range of tools and parts made the job go by with a lot less headaches than it could have been. Needless to say, I never would have been able to get this bike in the condition he helped put it in. Not only will I refer back to him with future projects, but I will highly recommend his WrenchMonster shop to any and all of my two wheeled aficionados. Upon leaving his helpful hands, I felt exponentially more competent with changing my chain, tuning up the forks, adjusting the brakes, connecting and soldering wired components, and changing out fluids. He was eager to teach, patient to explain, and able to demonstrate tasks I found difficult with ease. I am extremely grateful for WrenchMonster and hope to see this endeavor take off here in the Austin area! To long and beautiful hill country rides! See you on the road. ~Alexis From Texas Comments are closed.
October 2024