![]() So...you aren't supposed to talk about religion and politics in gentele company, right? Well, I am going to put on my big steel-toed boots and stomp right into the middle of a hot religion topic in motorcycling...using car tires on motorcycles. "What kind of lunatic puts a car tire on a motorcycle?", you might ask. I cannot say with absolute certainty, but the evidence suggests to me that they are, at their core, shortsighted cheapskates; the sort who try to seal up a cavity in their tooth with superglue to avoid paying a dentist, only to reap an abscess and need dental surgery later. Why would someone even consider this insane idea? Well, motorcycle tires are not cheap, particularly not good motorcycle tires. And the labor charges to install them are often almost as much as the tires themselves. So it can cost almost as much to put two tires on a bike as it costs to put four tires on a car. That, understandably, rubs some folks the wrong way. Worse still, motorcycle tires may last 10k miles or even less, so they get changed much more often than car tires. In short, tires represent a significant cost of ownership to a motorcycle rider. Nobody who has followed my work will be surprised I say that those who are not willing to pay what it costs to operate a bike safely, shouldn't own or ride motorcycles. But what are the safety issues? They all come down to the key mission of the tires...keeping the bike stuck on the roadway rather than sliding over/off it. Car tires present two obvious significant challenges to that mission. TIRE PROFILE So this is kind of a no-brainer. Bikes lean when they turn. They must lean to turn. The rounded cross section of a motorcycle tire produces a near-uniform contact patch (that part of the tire surface that is in contact with the roadway), no mater what the lean-angle of the bike. The car tire, in contrast, has a rectangular profile and typically, very stiff sidewalls, so as the bike leans, the contact patch of the of the tire shrinks as the main body of the tire lifts off the roadway. Not good. TIRE COMPOUND The other big issue is the tire's grip on the road...traction. Traction and tread life are the core tradeoffs in tire design. Hard rubber wears off slower than soft rubber, but soft rubber grips better than hard rubber. You may be able to visualize soft rubber oozing into the tiny pits in a paved roadway, while a harder rubber only makes contact with the tops of the roadway texture. Some motorcycle tires, particularly those for touring bikes that do lots of highway miles, finesse this issue with a multi-compound design. The center of the tread area is made with a harder rubber for good wear when the bike is rolling straight ahead, but the outer portions of the tread surface, between the center area and the sidewalls, are built with a softer compound that provides better grip when the tire is leaned into a turn. Car tires, which are not only designed for a heavier vehicle (and so have a harder tread compound for suitable wear in their intended application) but are also designed for a vehicle suspension system that is designed to keep the tire upright in a turn, making a multi-compound approach less useful. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE Or perhaps, there is less. In this case, less contact with the bead seating surface. "Bead" may be an unfamiliar term in the context of tires but here it is in a nutshell. It is the part of the tire that seats against the wheel and provides both the air seal that keeps the tire inflated but also provides the structural connection between the tire and the bike. The bead on car tires are designed to seat / seal / hold to the rims of car wheels (duh). The bead of motorcycle tires and seating profile of motorcycle wheels are different. Perhaps they did not need to be, but bikes weigh much less than cars and the cornering forces placed on car tires are different from those put on motorcycle tires, so the tire seating region is smaller than is found on car wheels. Or to consider it from the other perspective, a car tire expects a different, larger bead seating region on the wheel, and therein lies the rub...or perhaps the lack of a rub. The seating surface on a motorcycle wheel is not right for a car tire. GOOD ENOUGH? You may hear someone say, "But it works fine!". Well, that depends on your definition of "fine". Yes, as a rule, a car tire can be induced to hold air when mounted on a motorcycle wheel. And depending on the bike and the car tire selected, the tire will clear the surrounding suspension structure of the bike so the bike can roll. Let's even say that we are willing to accept the traction and handling compromises introduced by a car tire (I cannot imagine why you would, but let's say so, for the sake of argument.) What else is there to consider? What about emergencies? DEFLATION EMERGENCIES The car tire shown in this article came into the shop mounted on a motorcycle wheel. It did something very interesting when it was deflated. It spontaneously dismounted itself from the motorcycle wheel. That is to say, the tire bead became unseated from the wheel without any additional force being required. OMG! If you have never mounted new tires on car or motorcycle rims, you may not be aware that, once seated on the wheel, removing that tire from the wheel requires considerable side force. Getting the tire unseated from the wheel is the main mechanical challenge in any tire change job, followed by the challenge of getting the tire off the wheel after it is deflated and then, finally, by the difficulty of getting the new one onto the wheel. That may not sound surprising...but the first item on the list is critical from a safety point of view. If we do not know anything else about tires, we know that they sometimes go flat. But we also know that they rarely come off the wheel just because they have lost air. Yes, a massive blowout can shred a tire and leave you with a bare wheel, but that is rare and virtually never happens to tires until they are used long past the end of their service life. On a car, a tire dismounting from a wheel causes damage to the wheel and perhaps the bodywork. It could even cause a loss of control and an accident. However, on a motorcycle, it WILL cause a loss of control, and that, for motorcyclists, is often deadly. SUMMARY Of all the hazards a car tire presents to a rider, the most insidious is the risk of a low pressure spontaneous dismount of the tire. Because car tire sidewalls are made for much greater loads than motorcycles offer, an inattentive rider may be on an under-inflated tire without realizing it. The tire may not "go flat". However, at some point, as inflation pressure continues to fall due to a small leak, the tire may no longer keep its grip on the motorcycle wheel. That dismount event is most likely to occur when the rider enters a curve...and is most likely to occur when entering a high speed curve. How's that for a nightmare scenario? Granted, motorcycle riding is not an enterprise for seriously risk averse folks. But it is an enterprise that tends to weed out the reckless. Using a car tire on a motorcycle may not get you killed, but it absolutely lowers your chances of survival. It's not worth it to me. Make your own call. (But I will never mount one for anybody in my shop.) 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November 2024